Where are our representatives?

Important events are remembered because of a single episode which outshines others. The people will remember the Sixth Session of the Third Parliament
because of the failure to pass the Mines and Minerals Bill of Bhutan 2020.
Everyone, including the people agree that it is a Bill of national importance. The same was voiced by representatives of both the Houses. But the sad tale is that
there are those who think that something important is not something urgent. The Bill has been deferred, indefinitely.
Parliamentarians who spoke during the joint session expressed their disappointment. They did not say that the Joint Committee had failed. They expressed that the Committee should at the least have come out with some provisions for discussion and presented it to the Parliament. The people are also in dismay.
Those associated with the Bill have extensively done their homework. National Council members have outlined their cause elaborately in the mainstream and social media. With the eminent members playing the main roles, the people are asking this question - where are our representatives? And rightly so, because members against the stand made by the NC, have not been successful in providing a rational and convincing answer justifying their stand.
For a government which came to power riding high on their main objective to narrow the gap, there are many questions demanding answers. The people have witnessed the huge gap created in a society with few individuals reaping the benefits of minerals. People do not need to look at the Royal Audit Authority or the Independent Committee’s findings. It is visible.
The NC has mathematically highlighted the immensity with which the State can benefit if state owned enterprises (SOEs) are engaged in mining. The people need to know the same from those opposing the NC members. How will the State benefit if these treasures are once again given to a few? There does not seem to be an answer.
The people understand that no elected member will in all sanity go against provisions of the Constitution. As expressed in the joint sitting, it is the Supreme Court who will decide on constitutionality. From a layman’s point of view, if members are suggesting that mining rights should be provided to a few people (through competitive bidding), isn’t it going against the Constitution?
The people are aware that the private sector requires the government’s support. We thank parliamentarians doing this. But are the few who have milked and want to continue doing this, representatives of Bhutan’s private sector? No! They are just part of the sector.
For the benefit of the people, His Majesty issued a kasho on the need to form a joint committee for this nationally significant issue. The people ardently believe
that the edict was passed with hope that an answer will be found. Deferment is definitely not the answer.
It is due to all these and more that the people are asking this question – where are our representatives?